Thursday, 1 November 2012


Experiment two strategy statement:

For experiment 2, I decided to do Barcelona Pavilion. The materials which this building has used are mainly marbles. Marble is very hard and won't goes under decay very easy, therefore, it won't collapse into little pieces.

100 years after human civilisation, most building and the environment have experienced natural disaster such as earthquake. However, 100 years later, without man made and industrial pollution, the environment shouldn't be too bad. I have looked at the first episode of "life after people" season one as my reference to modify the model and environment. Glass would break due to pressure and then under goes natural decay, so glass won't be there after 100 years. Steel would rust and concrete would break into pieces. So my model of Barcelona pavilion after human civilisation are in two parts. first, materials like concrete would break into little pieces and vegetations would grow in the building.materials like marble would collapse, but into big pieces. Secondly, moss would grow on the building and dirt would stick on the surface,therefore, decals will be need to be added in CryEngine.

This was my original broken down barcelona pavilion, but i had problems when i exported them into CryEngine. After several hours of trying to fix the problem, i still couldn't get this exported. So i ended up re-do the break and made it much more simpler
this is the simpler exported model i have made

Below are some captures of the CryEngine environment

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